Thursday, June 7, 2012

How to make a card


How to make a card

Hello there!

Lately I've got so many requests about a template for a piano card, that I decided to make it and show it here. I did not write any sizes, as it depends, how big you want it. 

How to make a card

Short explanation:

1. Cardstock paper to make a card stable. 
2. You need two of those: one is black for back side of a piano, and second - note paper inside.
3. Black top part of a piano with opening. Larger part is glued on a cardstock and covered with note paper, when the opening is on a top. The marked spot is for a stick to keep it open.
4. The edge around a card, except a keybord.
5. The stick 
6. The divider between keybord and main part of a piano. 
7. Lower edge round the keybord (you can as well use the same long higher edge around the whole card, just lower it around a keybord).

p.s. do not forget to glue everything to a cardstock using strong glue. Leave the back side black paper for the end, as it will cover all glued edges.

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