View Film and Lace wedding ideas
This is such a fun way to display photos at a wedding or event, and also a fabulous conversation starter. You’ll need a strip of fabric (muslin can be bought at craft stores like Michaels), cut the length you would like your runner to be, but the width of it should be a little thinner than you want (we did ours floor length to add drama to the table) and copies of the photos you’d like to use. Old family wedding photos, engagement photos and childhood photos are perfect for this (if you don’t want to use original photos, you can print copies for a few cents each at cost effective photo printing places like Costco – or simply print them with your printer using photo paper). Our runner was about 9’ long and took about 160 photos (we used 60 photos and duplicated them).
Starting at one end, use a hot glue gun to secure the pictures to the fabric. One small dot goes a long way. Overlap pictures and let them hang off the edges, don’t be afraid of covering up parts of the photos since you can put one of its duplicates elsewhere on the runner.
When you are about halfway through, go to the other end and start over. This way you meet nicely in the middle. And when you’re all done, wouldn’t they make a cool wall hanging in your home?
View Film and Lace wedding ideas

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